Lumencor brings creative, intelligent design to the manufacture of best-in-class illuminators and instrumentation in order to produce the best-quality data. In so doing, our products foster better science, metrology, diagnostics, and treatment with the highest precision and industry-leading test and measurement capabilities.

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Mouse Ileum Captured Using Lumencor's SPECTRA X Light Engine
Simon Watkins
Genome-scale Imaging of the 3D Chromatin Organization and Transcriptional Activity in Single Cells
Lumencor was privileged to sponsor a talk by Dr. Pu Zheng at the annual Spatial Biology conference. In this video Dr. Zheng presents applications of MERFISH for spatial genomics applications in single cells using Lumencor’s CELESTA Light Engine. Fill out the form below to watch:
Featured Industry Applications
White Paper: Laser Light Engine Output Stability
This paper focusses on the temporal characteristics of CELESTA light output, presenting typical data over different timescales and using a variety of photometric detectors.
Case Study: Solid-State Illumination - Light Engines for Photoresponsivity Characterization
Case Study: Massively Multiplexed Single-Molecule Imaging Using Lumencor’s CELESTA Light Engine
Simultaneous Visualization of 16 DNA Loci in Single Cells using the SPECTRA Light Engine
Consistent Light Sources for Consistent Results

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Lung Tissue
Simon Watkins
Smarter Alternatives with Mercury-Free Lighting.
"Lumencor Light Engines turn on and off instantaneously, require no bulb exchange, and have a small footprint. All of which are important at our core facility environment."
Pawel Pasierbeck Ph.D., The Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Austria