Our Light Engines are mercury-free, clean and green.

Long-lived: Lifespans exceed a decade
Designed with lifespan and lifetime value in mind, Lumencor Light Engines are a high-performance and affordable alternative to traditional mercury arc and metal halide lamps. Virtually maintenance-free with an effortless day-to-day ease of use, they can be plugged in and turned on (and on and on). Working lifetime of >70% initial output power is expected for more than ten years.

Economical: The cost of ownership of a Light Engine v. a mercury-based light source or arc lamp is negligible
Replacement bulbs, liquid light guides (LLGs), energy consumption, bulb disposal costs and hands-on technical maintenance sum to ~$14,000 for a metal halide and ~$24,000 for a mercury arc lamp. Those costs are ZERO for a Lumencor Light Engine.

Economical: Light Engines offer 99% savings over mercury lamps
With no service needs, no consumables, no maintenance and low power consumption, total annual operating costs for a Lumencor Light Engine are 1/100th that of a lamp: ~$20 for the Light Engine v. ~$2100 per year for a 100W mercury arc lamp.

Efficient: Light Engines sync to camera exposure time; consequently they are mostly OFF
A metal halide or mercury bulb runs 72 hours in a typical three day experiment that requires one second of illumination every hour. For the same experiment, the Lumencor Light Engine is on 72 seconds with 0.0001% of the energy consumption.
Long-lived: Lifespans exceed a decade
Designed with lifespan and lifetime value in mind, Lumencor Light Engines are a high-performance and affordable alternative to traditional mercury arc and metal halide lamps. Virtually maintenance-free with an effortless day-to-day ease of use, they can be plugged in and turned on (and on and on). Working lifetime of >70% initial output power is expected for more than ten years.
Economical: The cost of ownership of a Light Engine v. a mercury-based light source or arc lamp is negligible
Replacement bulbs, liquid light guides (LLGs), energy consumption, bulb disposal costs and hands-on technical maintenance sum to ~$14,000 for a metal halide and ~$24,000 for a mercury arc lamp. Those costs are ZERO for a Lumencor Light Engine.
Economical: Light Engines offer 99% savings over mercury lamps
With no service needs, no consumables, no maintenance and low power consumption, total annual operating costs for a Lumencor Light Engine are 1/100th that of a lamp: ~$20 for the Light Engine v. ~$2100 per year for a 100W mercury arc lamp.
Efficient: Light Engines sync to camera exposure time; consequently they are mostly OFF
A metal halide or mercury bulb runs 72 hours in a typical three day experiment that requires one second of illumination every hour. For the same experiment, the Lumencor Light Engine is on 72 seconds with 0.0001% of the energy consumption.