Technical Support
To resolve any technical problems expeditiously, please follow the instructions below.
Refer to relevant online manuals and check to see if problems can be resolved via the troubleshooting procedures described in them.
Send troubleshooting questions by e-mail to or call 503-213-4269. Message should include the serial number of the Light Engine and as much documentation (e.g. screenshots) of the problem as possible. Send e-mail requests for current Light Engine warranty status or copies of certificates of conformance to, including the serial number of the Light Engine.
We can provide remote desktop (TeamViewer) or video (FaceTime, Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet) assistance on request. Please make an appointment by calling 503-213-4269 or e-mail
DO NOT open the Light Engine cover to investigate problems or attempt repairs. Lumencor Light Engines contain NO user-serviceable internal components. If troubleshooting indicates an internal problem, a return material authorization (RMA) request should be submitted for return of the Light Engine to Lumencor for evaluation and service.
If an RMA is required, submit a request using the online form. RMA requests can be submitted by end users or by vendors. We will respond with an e-mail giving notification of the RMA number and shipping instructions. Light engines that are more than ten (10) years old are no longer eligible for factory service. In such cases, RMA requests will generally be declined.
Shipping of RMAs to Lumencor (including any associated taxes, duties or fees) is at customer’s expense, whether the warranty is current or not. Lumencor will pay shipping charges for return to customer by FedEx Ground (FedEx International Economy for customers outside North America) following service that is covered by warranty. For out-of-warranty service, return shipping charges and service selection are the customer’s responsibility.
It is usually expedient to have the Light Engine shipped directly to Lumencor from the customer site, and for us to ship directly back there on completion of service. The requested shipping address for the Light Engine after completion of service (including name and phone number of the recipient) must be spcified in the spaces provided on the online RMA request form.
After delivery to our dock, the Light Engine will be evaluated to determine what, if any repairs are required. The benchmark for this evaluation is the certificate of conformance. Repairs covered under warranty will be carried out immediately. For repairs not covered by warranty, a quotation for the cost of repair service will be sent to the e-mail address of the person or organization that submitted the RMA request. Repair work will not begin until a purchase order covering the quoted costs is received by Lumencor.
Target turnround on warranty RMA repairs is 10 business days after delivery to our dock. If the service is not covered by warranty, requiring a cost quotation and receipt of a purchase order, it will usually be longer.
In most cases, we cannot provide stand-in loaners for RMAs. If the Light Engine has been sold by a vendor, it is generally the vendor’s responsibility to provide stand-in loaners to their customer.
"Thank you, Claudia and Iain, for your amazingly fast response. Just one more reason why we absolutely love working with Lumencor!" -MERFISH Pioneer
"I really appreciate your attitude towards customers. Good products and excellent services are essential foundations for a company to maintain its leading position. Today, I can confidently predict that you will stay ahead in the market for a long time."