Winners: Earth Day Light Microscopy Imaging Competition
SOLA for the win!
This year Lumencor launched the Light Microscopy Imaging Competition in celebration of Earth Day to highlight Lumencor’s commitment to manufacturing sustainable microscope Light Engines that are bright, clean, and mercury-free Light Engines. We were impressed with the quality and breadth of applications in the submissions we received. Without further ado here are the winners for Lumencor’s 2019 Earth Day Light Microscopy Imaging Competition:

1st Place – Robert Zucker EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC
ARPE 19 cell treated with 75nm silver nanoparticles that are coated with PVP Combination of darkfield image (white nanoparticles) and fluorescence image of nuclei (blue), Golgi (green), and microtubules (red). Observation used a 60X plan Fluor lenses and a SOLA Light Engine. The image was processed using Nikon deconvolution algorithms.

2nd Place – Glyn Nelson University of Newcastle, UK
Image of a mosquito larva’s ‘mustache’, the fine brush hairs on the side of their mouth. Z stack deconvolved and rendered in Huygens. Larva fixed in PFA and mounted in glycerol. Imaged with a Leica DMi8 equipped with a 40X oil 1.3 NA objective, GFP filter cube, Hamamatsu Flash4 v2 camera and a SOLA Light Engine.

3rd Place – Abdul Mohammed Ultivue, Cambridge, MA PRIZE: $500 off Voucher
16-plex biomarker profiling of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer tissue (CD3, CD4, CD45RO, CD68, CD163, CD8, CD11c, CD20, PD1, PDL1, Cytokeratin, LAG3, FoxP3, Ki67, GranzymeB and MHCII). Nuclear counterstain shown in blue. The slide was processed using Ultivue’s InSituPlex technology and imaged on a fluorescence microscope using a 20X objective and SPECTRA Light Engine.
- Sep 27, 2019