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Elevating Confocal Imaging: ZIVA Light Engine for Yokogawa CSU

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t buy the ZIVA. The advantages are obvious.
-Clare Waterman, Ph.D.

Yokogawa CSU is the life sciences' leading confocal scanner. Its wide FOV, imaging clarity, and facile automation set the bar for best-in-class spinning disk performance. Yet traditional laser systems in support of CSU products are typically expensive, relatively short-lived, spectrally limited, and often demand significant hands-on support. In contrast, ZIVA Light Engine for Yokogawa CSU delivers 7 lasers in a turnkey illuminator offering high value, long lifetime, and the stability our customers have come to expect from Lumencor Light Engines.

Would your CSU benefit from a better illumination solution? Our Product Marketing Manager makes the choice to update your CSU with a ZIVA irrefutable! Have a listen here.